Oh, and let’s not forget about Bidoof! The Plump Mouse Pokémon, originally discovered in the Sinnoh region, became a star during Bidoof Day! Which Pokémon should we spotlight next? #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/UaxGBRnQuS
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) 2018年12月12日
I can't believe Niantic thinks #BidoofDay is such an important event as Community Day, Safari Zone, or the addition of new features this year. lol
You’ve got it, Trainers! We’re kicking off our first Pokémon Appreciation Day by featuring the Plump Mouse Pokémon, Bidoof! Show us your love for Bidoof by posting your favorite AR photos of it with #BidoofDay, and we’ll share some of our favorites! pic.twitter.com/nE3itV9dmG
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) 2018年10月22日
Trainers in Japan on Oct
21: When will be second Beldum Community Day to make up for today's server failure???
Niantic 2 days after: Happy Bidoof Day!
Trainers in Japan:
ナイアン「今日はビッパ・デイ #BidoofDay をお祝いしましょう!」
(#Pikachumeme を使いたかっただけです)
Trainers in Japan: When will be Pokémon GO Special Weekend with Softbank??? You put it off for about half a year, Niantic.
Niantic: We take a look back at 2018!
Trainers in Japan:
Which Pokémon should we spotlight next?
わたしはレディバ(Ledyba)とレディアン(Ledian)をお願いしました イースターあたりにしれっとやってほしい
ちなみに翌年の4月、#BidoofDay から遅れること半年、やっとビッパの #ポケモンGOAR写真 を撮れました😂
2020/01/28 Twitterより一部修正して転載
*1:Pokémon GOさんのツイート: "Oh, and let’s not forget about Bidoof! The Plump Mouse Pokémon, originally discovered in the Sinnoh region, became a star during Bidoof Day! Which Pokémon should we spotlight next? #PokemonGO… https://t.co/kdBxcVmoCA"
*2:Pokémon GOさんのツイート: "You’ve got it, Trainers! We’re kicking off our first Pokémon Appreciation Day by featuring the Plump Mouse Pokémon, Bidoof! Show us your love for Bidoof by posting your favorite AR photos of it with #BidoofDay, and we’ll share some of our favorites!… https://t.co/EWJuxm1dJw"